SOLFul Summer Program
SOLful is a month-long summer day camp for 1st – 8th graders filled with fun camp activities aimed at empowering our kids. Our Voces Unidas parents and our United Teens reach more of their neighbors as they volunteer as mentors and activity leaders. A day at SOLFul will include art, cooking, sports, and building new friendships.
The theme of SOLFul 2022 is Change Makers. Our kids are learning to advocate for positive change within themselves, their relationships, and their community. This summer’s activities include public art installations, digital media, community service, and various other projects aimed at platforming their voice for the change they want to see in their community. State Assembly Members, School Board Members, School District Principals, and Fullerton City Government Officials are coming to SOLFul to hear our kids’ voices as they make policies that affect their lives.
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